DriverMax for Windows

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  • Innovative Solutions
  • free
  • 6.09.2012

DriverMax is free software for backing up hardware drivers on your computer. It will backup all installed drivers in one specified folder and help you download the latest drivers for your devices.


DriverMax gives you detailed information about all the drivers installed on your system, including versions, release date, number of files, developer and a digital signature. It has a special import wizard that helps you use the installation from the saved copy in five minutes, so that you don’t have to do anything more.

You can export drivers to a folder or compress them in ZIP-archive. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything sorted out in one place.

The program runs for all service packs and both 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Vista, XP and Windows 2003. Meanwhile downloads are only available for Windows 7, Vista and XP users.

Key features:

  • Giving all necessary details, including versions, release date, etc.
  • Creating a detailed report (HTM/TXT).
  • Making a backup copy in the specified folder.
  • Ability to create an archive with backups.
  • Import Wizard for installing from the saved copy.
  • Ability to check the latest versions.

Along with its features there are some essential advantages that will be extremely useful in choosing similar programs. The software scans and identifies unrecognized hardware, updates system drivers and backs up current ones. Thus, you will boost your PC performance.

The interface as well as its work organization is quite ergonomic and easy to use. It is not difficult to deal with it taking into account that it is constantly being improved.

DriverMax is a powerful restore utility tool that is easy enough for first-time users. All you need is to create a free account, log in and start downloading necessary updates. If there is a newer version, it can be downloaded directly from the program. With the help of DriverMax you will really enjoy updating for your PC!

Note: You can download DriverMax for free and use it for 30 days. After that, however, you will be required to register.

Author Roman Softobase.

DriverMax 6.36
Version for: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
8.71 Mb

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